sr-leaf Example Prices So Transparent, It Feels Illegal

We're not shy and value fit above all else. There is no point in wasting your time if budgets don't align. Of course, every project is different, but below are some loose examples to give you an idea. When you're ready, we will happily provide an accurate estimate.

Small Tactical Engagements

Sometimes, you need a helping hand to move your project along. You may need fresh eyes on a problem or build a small WordPress plug-in to get you past the finish line.

Example Scenario: Exposing Internal Data On WordPress

You need to showcase your company's growth stats daily from an internal database on your website. I.T. declines to expose the database, citing security and time concerns. You're not thrilled about spending your mornings copy-and-pasting tables by hand and need a miracle solution.

How We Solve This

  • Project Assessment
  • Internal API Gateway
  • Custom WordPress Plug-In (Shortcodes/Configuration)
  • Emotional Support

Other Examples

  • Automate Shopify Product Sync
  • Automate Duplicate Data Detection/Fix
  • Link Digital Display With 3rd Party API
  • Generative AI Integration (like ChatGPT)

Potential Price Range

$2K~$8K CAD

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More Involved Projects

Projects that demand deeper engagement and meticulous craftsmanship fall into this category. Dashboards or internal databases that may have a public component (front-facing website) and require automation or integration with payment systems or a custom business process.

Example Scenario: Online Aviation Equippment Catalog

You need a slick website that lists aircraft inventory with all the industry lingo (without causing your team to burst a blood vessel entering every minor component). You want it to rank well on search engines like Google and empower visitors to find intricate components easily.

How We Solve This

  • Internal Dashboard (For Your Team)
  • Front-Facing Sales Funnel / Catalogue
  • Import Automation
  • Smart Database Text Index

Other Examples

  • Website + Dashboard + Customer Dashboard
  • Historic Document Database + Search / AI Indexing
  • Small Mobile Application
  • Custom/Private Shopify App

Potential Price Range

$15K~$50K CAD

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Technically Complex Projects

This category includes large applications or applications with multiple parts. Say that you're building a mobile app, you will likely need an API to power it, an internal dashboard for control, and a public website for marketing or sign-ups.

Example Scenario: Local Courier Software Suite

You're a local courier that wants to automate your business to keep up with the exceeding pressure of competitors. You'd like a modern mobile application for your drivers, a dashboard for your dispatchers, and a website for your customers to book deliveries and receive notifications and tracking information.

How We Solve This

  • Mobile Application with Offline Sync
  • Customer Website with Booking, Tracking & Payments
  • Internal Dashboard + Automation
  • API for Integrations

Other Examples

  • Custom E-Commerce Platform
  • Oil & Gas ERP / Sales
  • Sports Betting Applications
  • Complex SaaS Application

Potential Price Range

Over $75K CAD

Book Discovery

Example Scenario
Powerful Internal Database

You have an archive of data, images, and documents that you want to make searchable and accessible to your team and customers. You have nightmares about the hours you will spend typing up metadata and uploading files.

How We Solve This

  • Project Plan
  • Control Interface (Dashboard)
  • Automated AI Driven Import Process (Image recognition, OCR, etc.)
  • JavaScript Front-End (Interactive Search)

Potential Price Range

$18K-$40K CAD

Book Discovery

Example Scenario
Internal Mobile App

Dealing with paper is costing you. You want to automate remote surveys with an app that can take pictures, deal with notes, start invoices that are passed onto sales and provide alerts when things go sideways.

How We Solve This

  • Project Plan
  • Dashboard + Reports (For You)
  • Mobile Application (For Your Team)
  • Background Automation & Processing

Potential Price Range

$30K~$65K CAD

Book Discovery

Example Scenario
External Mobile App

You want to engage iPhone/Android users with your brand and need an app that can show the latest game scores, allow users to compete in contests, bid on sport events with play money, and receive communications throughout popular sport seasons (NFL, NHL, etc).

How We Solve This

  • Project Plan
  • 3rd Party API Integration (Sports Data, Geo Location, News, Push Notifications)
  • Mobile Application (iOS/Android)
  • Dashboard (For You)

Potential Price Range

$50K~$125K CAD

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